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Below photos about the various battles of world war I and the armies and soldiers of the participant countries were collected from web pages to create a collection. The artists who colorised the photos are as shown on photos if the photos have watermarks.

Section of the gunners: four soldiers in the ruins, shooting. France, 1917

At the Swiss border: French and Swiss military soldiers separated by fences. France, 1917

German trench WW1

A regiment of famous alpine cyclists occupy a garrison during the Battle of the Somme.
During the First World War, the Belgians, Germans, British and French all employed the bicycle to varying degrees of success. The Italians, not surprisingly, were among those who most employed the bicycle. It was used by the elite light infantry Bersaglieri regiments, who were known for their mobile tactics and flashy headdresses.

French Cavalry
The French cavalry cross a swollen stream on the front lines of the Battle of the Somme which began on July 1, 1916. The battle remains one of the bloodiest in the history of the British armed forces which lost roughly 60 percent of its troops on the first day alone.

Four Senegalese soldiers. France, 1917
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A French soldier at the Battle of Verdun wears a gas mask.

British 55th Division troops blinded by tear gas await treatment at an advanced dressing station near Bethune during the Battle of Estaires on April 10, 1918.

Troops of the Australian second division gether on a road behind the lines at Croix du Bac
near Armentieres 18 May 1916

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