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The two poles of the human species are called males and females, and the Learning ability is the same for the males and females of the human species. In primitive ages, however, the female of this species has gained some privileges in the communal tribes because of the characteristics they possess. The most prominent of these privileges is the privilege of sustaining fertility and species. Among her roles there were maternity which was an extremely powerful motive. Women were able to do almost anything that men can do, but men weren't able to do all what women were capable to do. This possession played a dominant role in societies. Mothership feeling, which is more intense than all other human emotions, firstly led the mother to find innovations that facilitate her offspring's life. Although being attached to maternity and offspring is a characteristic of many animal species, the duration of time for the human offspring to be self-sufficient is extremely long compared to the others and requires longer-term surveillance. Maternity motivation has led to the emergence of women in primitive human societies of early age, which are separate and perhaps more elite than men.
The first inhabtants of the world were nearly scared of everything in nature which they had no idea about the reasons. They weren't able to understand and were afraid of the blistering of the night, rain, thunder, sun, Sollstice, cold & hot, animals etc. They were also witnessing the ''death'' which could be considered as something else they had no idea about. Sometimes one of the members of the community was unable to return to their former situations for some reasons like accidents and injuries. That individual was unable to gain the former stuation and in time, decay and smell. the feeling of being disappeared brought the fear of death. Briefly, the humen got scared of the events that they could not reach & they could not make sense,. Than as a result of this they sanctified all these unknown happenings. The first thing that they worshiped was the various natural phenomenas and celestial bodies. They realized that without the big bright object that warmed themselves and illuminated their world, they felt cold and could not see anything. And when it disapperared, there used to show up another round and shiny object that illuminated their Earth, even though it wasn't not as warm and shinny. So there wouldn't be a more natural approach than fearing, sanctifying and worshiping. But it wasn't enough to worship Only one . In that case the other ones could get angry of them and sent its wrath. So, the best way was to worship to many Gods & make happy all. Water, location, sun, moon, thunder, soil, etc. they sanctified almost everything.

fertility, which is an advantage and feature that men could never have, has further strengthened the role and weight of women in society. In time, this feature was easily associated with the fertility feature of the soil. Probably the effect of males on mating was unknown and it was believed that females do the breeding by themselves as an individual power. Blood was something associated with ''Death''. However, even though the women bleed (menstruation), they were able to survive, and after a while they used to create a new individual. So it made sense that people thought the baby was made of this blood.
In the Qur'an, says so;
''the God created men from blood clot''

Above is the Sumerian Goddess Ianna which is a former Shape of Anatolian Goddess Kybele. She is also Known as Easter or Ishtar.
Women, as a requirement of caring for the child, stayed away from hunting. With the comparison to carnivorous men, they specialized in gathering, searching for roots and plants, which would unfortunatelly cause for them to blamed as witches centuries after. Instead of hunting and eat ready food the woman became more involved with the soil. As a result of this, the inventions like fire, agriculture, domestication of animals, have been possibly conducted by women. These qualities paved the way for women to be respected and sometimes sanctified in society. This was perhaps the main reason that the land was considered feminine and that the goddess was considered fertile like Mother Earth.
Both the earth & the women were capable to cause newcoming things to the world. Because of these characteristics, they united the earth and women's myths, and the mother goddess KYBELE was born. He was the great mother of all the plants, wild animals, people, gods and goddesses of the earth. During the Upper Palaeolithic period, female figures were depicted on the cave walls, while men were depicted in the form of bulls or rams. This abstract god was then carved out of stone as a worshipable object. A piece of the soil was given a female form with big breasts that symbolize fertility. The goddess was born!
The Sumerians, the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Romans, the Scandinavians, the Celts, the Hindus, the Egyptian, the Aztecs all had sun gods and goddesses. People had chosen all the celestial bodies that they could not understand as goddess. The five-pointed star representing the planet Venus and the goddess Venus was the main symbol of this belief and represented the female in all beings.
The peoples of the cradle of civilization Mesopotamia and Anatolia & also also in indian Mythology, The women is ''the mother'' which is also considered as ''the life giver''.

Inanna, Also known as Ishtar in Akkadian mythology, is a goddess associated with the morning and evening star, Venus. She is viewed as both an independent, powerful and sensual figure, but also as a young girl under patriarchal control. The goddess is also noted for her dual-nature – her feminine as well as masculine traits.
Inanna was originally worshiped as a vegetation deity but was later raised to the status of Queen of Heaven, the Mesopotamian’s most favored goddess. In Uruk, she was worshiped as their patron deity, especially at the main center, the Eanna temple (meaning the House of Heaven). The goddess was connected to Uruk, dating as far back as the Uruk period of 4000–3100 BC.
The poems of Inanna, such as the Descent of Inanna, carry her qualities through to the ritual and ceremonies in her honor. The sacred marriage of Inanna and Dumuzi was celebrated at the autumn equinox, in order to bring fertility to the lands. The king and priestess would reenact the sexual union of the god and goddess either symbolically or perhaps through actual intercourse.
Inanna is an important figure in Sumerian mythology. Along with Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Anu, Enlil and Utu, she forms part of the seven divine powers who formed the basis for many gods that followed. Her parents are said to be either Enki or Nanna and Ningal. The goddess also has a sister named Ereskigal and a husband, Dumuzi.
​In iconography she is shown as a gatepost or reed bundle, to represent abundance and fertility. She is often depicted as a naked female, in her human form. As a goddess of war, she is seen in a robe with weapons at her shoulders and battle armor. She is also shown next to or riding a lion, a reflection of her courage.