keystone archıtecture
a mystıcal archıtectural trıck
keystone archıtecture
a mystıcal archıtectural trıck
The history and story of the architecture in the ancient times has been totally changed after discovering a very simple and also a mystical trick. the name of the trick was ''Keystone''.
A keystone (also known as capstone or as lockstone in some langueages) is the wedge-shaped stone at the apex of a masonry arch or typically round-shaped one at the apex of a vault. In both cases it is the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch or vault to bear weight.
whereever and whenever you go to see an ancient site, the only structures who are seem to be best preserved are the structures which contain arches with keystones at the center. we call it as a mystical trick because such a way of constructing never needs iron supports or cement as we need now. All you need is strong, shapedstones and a keystone as the last element on the top. After that, let the structure remain for centuries.

In arches and vaults (such as quasi-domes) keystones are often enlarged beyond the structural requirements and decorated.
The best magicians of this magic was of course ''The Romans''. they have decorated everywhere using this archirectural method and widened their civilisation. They built up very strong buildings, cisterns, vaults and especially the aquaducts. Even today, we can see these aquaducts or the cisterns all around the ancient Roman sites, as the best preserved remains. A keystone never lets the whole collapse!
Romans was the professional appliers of the technique, but the technique which is much older than Roman civilisartion has been applied nearly by all the civilisations in the world.

The arches are self-supporting structures with a curved shape. Stone arches were first developed by the Romans thousands of years ago and have been used in architecture ever since. Today, it is possible to come across stone arches built using decorative elements on railway bridges and gardens.
The process of building an arch begins by planning two low-wall sections of equal height in order to form the legs. This pocess will begin after the width and height of the arch have been determined. A form is then used to form the skeleton and provide support. This form is made of semicircular wood according to the planned curve of the arch.
One of the most important elements of this structure is the wedge-shaped stones, which are installed side by side or one on the top of the other along the dome starting from the wall edges. The stones to be used in the arches should be either in the form of wedges or flat required for construction. Because obtaining the form of dome that connects the two legs of the arch in the middle depends on the strength of these stones.
In addition, the wooden structures play a role in the installation of the stones and ensure that the installation proceeds regularly during construction. At the end of the installation of the stones, a stone is needed to complete the construction at the apex in the arch dome so plays a key role as name suggests. This stone is the keystone. Self-balance is maintained by placing keystone in the center of the dome of keystone arch. The keystone is the most important building element of the keystone arch and that is why it is located in the center of the dome. When the wooden skeleton is removed after the arch installation, the structure will continue to stand evenly.