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The Gaulish Coastguards is a painting by

Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (10 June 1842 in Paris – 19 February 1923 in Paris) was an Orientalist French painter and sculptor. He was strongly influenced by the works and teachings of Charles Gleyre and Jean-Léon Gérôme. Lecomte du Nouÿ found inspiration for his art through extensive travels to Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Italy. The thematic content of Lecomte du Nouÿ’s work was mainly figural, but also spanned over a vast range of imagery throughout his career, including classical, historical and religious.

Lecomte du Nouÿ is known for remaining faithful to his detailed, realistic style throughout the extent of his career, despite the onset of the Impressionist, Fauvist and Constructivist artistic movements during his lifetime. His work is said to have contributed significantly to the establishment of an iconic repertoire representing the Orient in the nineteenth century. A Parisian street was named after him in 1932.


The Marabout prophet Sidna-Assisa, Moroc
The Opium Smoker.jpg
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The Harems Gate is a painting
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The Gaulish Coastguards
Mademoiselle de Maupin.jpg
lecomte The White Slave.jpg
Jean jules antonio lacomte  de nouy 1991
Jean Jules Antoine Lecomte Du Nouy - 190
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Demosthenes Practicing Oratory..jpg
Entrance to the Morosini Palace
Christian Women at the Tomb of the Virgi
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