storıes of genesıs
ıanna & dumuzi ın Mesopotamian gılgamesh versus adam & eve ın the old testament
Sumer was an ancient civilization founded in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Known for their innovations in language, governance, architecture and more, Sumerians are considered the creators of civilization as modern humans understand it. Their control of the region lasted for short of 2,000 years before the Babylonians took charge in 2004 B.C.

Ä°anna, Ishtar, Astarte, Freja, Venus, afrodit
all have the same mythological roots.
Similarities between the anciend legends and stories of semitic religions are guite wellknown by people with a secular & scientific minds.
One of the most clear of them is the similarity between the stories of Ianna (ıshtar) - Dumuzi (Tammuz) in Gılgamesh of Sumerians & Adam - Eve in the old testament.
They do have the similarities as listed below;
They both have a sceene of a garden in paradise.
The watering of the gardens with water from the earth.
The consumption of forbidden fruits, by Adam and Eve in Genesis and by the god Enki in the Sumerian myth.
The curse upon the person who ate the fruit.
The creating of a female from the rib of the male in Genesis and the creating of a female to heal the rib of the male in the Sumerian precursor.
The name of the female thus created. In Genesis, Eve, or in its original semitic form Hawah, which means ''life''. In the Sumerian myth, the word ''ti'' from the name Ninti has a double meaning; it could mean either ‘rib’ or ‘life’. S0, Ninti can be rendered as “lady of the rib” or “lady of life”.
Their story of Ianna & Dumuzi takes place in the Sumerian Civilisation in Middle East, thousands of years ago. There was a tree, known as the Huluppu tree which stands in a heavenly garden. Inanna was in cahrge to take care of the Huluppu treecfor the God. Then a snake which was as wicked not to be charmed made its nest in this tree. And then, Dumuzi, a shepherd shows up. Ianna fels in love with him, and they became lovers in the garden, by the tree, while the serpent was in it.
Lets think of another holy story which clearly look to be adopted from the story of Ianna & Dumuzi. There is a man and a woman, a garden, a tree, a serpent, cursed fruit etc. Any Bible-binger can recognize, the set-up is strikingly similar to the story of Adam and Eve. But with a small differency that the story of Inanna and Dumuzi was written around 2,000 B.C.E. – while the story of Adam and Eve, found in the Bible, was written approximately 500 years later, in around 1,500 B.C.E.

Inanna was part of the death and rebirth cycle along with her lover, Dumuzi, who was an earlier manifestation of Dionysus, who symbolized the cyclical change between the summer and winter season that lie behind the Easter and Christmas holidays. To the monotheistic Jews, Inanna was the abominable Ashtoreth, or Lady of Shame. The author of Revelation mentionsabout her as the whore of Babylon. They could have possibly been influenced from what ancient Greek historians wrote about the sacred prostitutes of Uruk. In the Akkadian language of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Ä°anna is called as Ishtar. She would later be known to the Syrians as Sybil, to the Assyrians as Mylitta, to the Canaanites as Astarte or Asherah, to the Egyptians as Hathor, to the Hittites as Shaushka or Ishtar, to the Greeks as Aphrodite, to the Romans as Venus, to the Norse as Freya or Ostara and to the Saxons as Eostre. Its from this Anglo-Saxon name that the christians get the name of the holiday marking the seasonal change of the Spring Equinox. The Easter bunny and the Easter egg are also both rooted in pagan fertility symbolism: the bunny because of its reputation for accelerate proliferation and the egg for its association with new birth.
The courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi is one of the oldest love poems from the ancient world. It is a story of love between the gods. it is known as the first love poems which includes many sexual elements in it. it is called as ''The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi'' which was guite long. the poem was translated by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer. Since it is quite long, we are giving a short part of it just to make the readres imagine how it was;
Inanna spoke:
“What I tell you, Let the singer weave into song.
What I tell you, Let it flow from ear to mouth,
Let it pass from old to young:
My vulva, the horn, The Boat of Heaven,
Is full of eagerness like the young moon.
My untilled land lies fallow.
As for me, Inanna,
Who will plow my vulva? Who will plow my high field?
Who will plow my wet ground?
As for me, the young woman, Who will plow my vulva?
Who will station the ox there? Who will plow my vulva?”
Dumuzi replied:
“Great Lady, the king will plow your vulva?
I, Dumuzi the King, will plow your vulva.”
“Then plow my vulva, man of my heart!, Plow my vulva!”
At the king’s lap stood the rising cedar. Plants grew high by their side.
Grains grew high by their side. Gardens flourished luxuriantly.
Inanna sang:
“He has sprouted; he has burgeoned;
He is lettuce planted by the water.
He is the one my womb loves best.
My well-stocked garden of the plain,, My barley growing high in its furrow,
My apple tree which bears fruit up to its crown, He is lettuce planted by the water.
My honey-man, my honey-man sweetens me always.
My lord, the honey-man of the gods, He is the one my womb loves best.
His hand is honey, his foot is honey,, He sweetens me always.
My eager impetuous caresser of the navel, My caresser of the soft thighs,
He is the one my womb loves best. He is letus planted by the water.”
Dumuzi sang:
“O Lady, your breast is your field.
Inanna, your breast is your field. Your broad field pours out the plants.
Your broad field pours out grain. Water flows from on high for your servant.
Bread flows from on high for your servant.
Pour it out for me, Inanna. I will drink all you offer.”
Inanna sang:
“Make your milk sweet and thick, my bridegroom.
My shepherd, I will drink your fresh milk.
Wild bull Dumuzi, make your milk sweet and thick.
I will drink your fresh milk. Let the milk of the goat flow in my sheepfold.
Fill my holy churn with honey cheese.
Lord Dumuzi, I will drink your fresh milk.
My husband, I will guard my sheepfold for you. I will watch over your house of life, the storehouse,
The shining quivering place which delights Sumer&emdash;
The house which decides the fates of the land. The house which gives the breath of life to the people.
the queen of the palace, will watch over your house.”
Dumuzi spoke:
“My sister, I would go with you to my garden.
Inanna, I would go with you to my garden. I would go with you to my orchard.
I would go with you to my apple tree. There I would plant the sweet, honey-covered seed.”