There has always been a ''Holy Basket'' stories in myths or legends of ancient civilisations and even in the holy books of monotheistic religions. And these holy baskets always float on the rivers. Something more, they always carry newborn baby boys in them. All these baby boys are the sacred babies who would potentially become wery important identities who would change the world. Just because of such a potential and possibility, the present rulers of the mentioned geographies gets scared that the sacred babies will take over their power. All these unscrupulous monarchs order their men to kill new born baby boys. so, their desperate mothers can not find any solution to save their babies and leaves them to the arms of the rivers to make them survived.
But, the strangest of all, all these babies are so lucky that they are found while floating on the river by powerfull people or by people who are close to power.
Finally, they all become somebody. Not only somebody, somebody very important. Rulers, emperors or prophets.

Pharoh's daughter finds Moses in a basket on the river Nile
Lets find out who are these sacred babies one by one. The first one we associate must be sargon The Great of Akkadians.
In 2334 BC, King Sargon of Akkad founded the first empire of the world. He created a Golden Age in Mesopotamia. Sargon the Great conquered the lands across southern Mesopotamia, Syria, Anatolia, and Elam.
Much of Sargon's story is derived together from legends; his infancy story, resembles that of the Biblical Moses , in that both of them were placed in reed baskets and left to float down a river. Whilst baby Moses floated down the Nile , Sargon floated down the Euphrates .
Sargon’s biological father is not known, but his mother is said to have been a temple priestess, possibly a sacred prostitute of Ishtar. In any case, baby Sargon was discovered while floating over a river by a gardener in the service of Ur-Zababa, the king of Kish.

The epic below is from an inscription on a tablet and accepted as the outobiography of Sargon.
“Sargon, the mighty king, king of Agade, am I.
My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not.
The brother of my father loved the hills.
My city is Azupiranu, which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates.
My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me.
She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid.
She cast me into the river which rose not over me.
The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water.
Akki, the drawer of water lifted me out as he dipped his ewer.
Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me.
Akki, the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener.
While I was a gardener, Ishtar granted me her love ”

Here comes the myth of Romulus & Remus, who also had a nice trip in basket on the river.
Romulus and Remus were twin boys born to a princess named Rhea Silvia. Their father was the fierce Roman god of war, Mars. They were also descendents of the Trojan prince and great warrior Aeneas who were made famous from Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid.
The king of where the boys were born was scared that someday Romulus and Remus would overthrow him and take his throne. So he had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River by his men, figuring they would soon die. He didn't directly kill them with the fear from their father Mars.
The boys were found by a she-wolf. The wolf fed, cared and protected them. A friendly woodpecker helped to find them food. Eventually some shepherds happened to have found the twins. One shepherd took the boys home and raised them as his own children.
The boys grew as natural leaders. One day Remus was captured and taken to the king. The king discovered his true identity. Romulus gathered some shepherds to rescue his brother and finally they killed the king. When the people of the city learned who the boys were, they offered to crown them as joint kings. However, they refused the crowns because they wanted to found their own city. The twins left and set out to find the perfect spot for their city.
The twins eventually came to the place where Rome is located today. Each wanted to place the city on a different hill. Romulus wanted the Palatine Hill while Remus preferred Aventine Hill. They agreed to wait for a sign from the gods. Remus saw the sign of six vultures first, but Romulus saw twelve. Each claimed to have won.
Romulus started building a wall around Palantine Hill. However, Remus began to make fun of Romulus' wall. At one point Remus jumped over the wall to show how easy it was to cross. Romulus became angry and killed Remus.
With Remus dead, Romulus continued to work on his city. He officially founded the city on April 21, 753 BC, making himself king, and naming it Rome after himself.

Now, the most famous and wellknown basket story with a sacred baby boy!
Once upon a time in Egypt;
The Israelites were growing in number within the population of Egypt. so the Phoroh decidesto make a law. According to the law, any boys thet would be born by such families would have been killed.
There were an Israelite couple who were expecting to have a baby. When they had a baby boy, they decided to hide him because they wouldn't let anyone kill their baby.
They hide Moses for three months, but as he gets older he starts not to sleep and cry louder than before. So his parents does the only thing they could do, they make a strong basket (sort of like a mini baby boat) and put blankets around the baby and place the basket in some tall grass in the Nile river.
while baby Moses was floating on the river in a basket, Pharaoh's daughter was swimming in the river. While doing this she noticed a basket floating a little ways away in the tall grass. So she asked one of her servants to go see what it was.
The servant brings the basket and when Pharaoh's daughter opens it, baby moses wakes up and starts to cry. The story goes like that, the sister of Moses sees what happened and notices out that Pharoh's daughter guessed that the baby was belonging to an Israeli family.
She goes close to the Pharoh's dauhter and offers her to find an Israeli mother to feed the baby. finally, the mother of Moses also accepted into the palace.
Moses grows up as the son to Pharaoh's daughter, and that's when she named him Moses, which means she got him out of the water.

The Finding of Moses frederick Godall 1885
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