Eroticism is powerful and ,influensive. It always has been and will be since the wery beginning of mankind untill today. And art had been and will always be there as a meann to prove it.
By the means of art like paintings, carvings or sculptings, civilisations tried to depict eroticism during centuries. At the wery beginning it started in order to depict the strange fertility of females with simple signs. Than the search had turned into the search to find the Goddesses in these depictions. when ''aesthetics'' came into presence as a point of wiew the signs changed into detailed artistic depictions of women and Gods. Remember how curvy fat Kybele (or i.e. Ä°anna, Ä°sthar, esther, Artemis, Diana) turned into the sex symbol Venus.
When the time came to the golden age of painting in 18 th and 19th centuries, the artists had been influenced by the power of eroticism. espacially orientalist painters used the element of nudity very often in their artworks. at that time, depicting the nudity to create an erotic social atmosphere was quite important and easy, moral way considering that the societies were quite distant from the concept, as much as they are thirsty to it. The fine art legalised what were being accepted as ''the immoral''

Combining history and art, transferring known historical facts with their own interpretations and adding erotic elements to them has become a frequently used method. In particular, the lifestyle, legends and history of the East, which was little known and wondered by the West, came to life with the brushes of orientalist painters. The most depicted subject of that period was the concept of "harem" and the most erotic element was the mystical Cleopatra.
however, the painters never went to extremes and did not create a disturbing atmosphere of pornography in their works as it was in ancient roman wall paintings. The depicted "woman" element has always been combined with aesthetics.

Above is the slightshow about the exterior and interior of the Sumela Monastery
